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Wickham Market Primary School

Opportunity and enrichment for pupils and staff


Curriculum Intent:


Children at Wickham Market Primary School are taught to become fluent in their understanding of the fundamentals of mathematics, to reason by following a line of enquiry and to solve problems by applying their mathematics skills and knowledge.  In all year groups, children are given challenges they enjoy tackling which also helps to develop their resilience and curiosity of mathematics.


We follow the White Rose Schemes of learning to embed the above skills and follow a mastery approach. We want to ensure our pupils leave Wickham Market Primary School with various skills needed to in the world to tackle various problems.

Curriculum Implementation


By following the White Rose scheme of work, the children are taught using various styles of questions fluency, reasoning and problem solving.  To support them with these three styles of questions, pupils use concrete, pictorial and abstract methods in all year groups. 


Children are also given the vocabulary needed in their lessons and they are also put on display for the children to use throughout the lesson. Work is differentiated is achieved through varying levels of support or by giving pupils a choice of difficulty with their work.  When extra support is needed, pupils will be given targeted Therapy sessions to close any gaps in their learning.  Children working at ‘Greater Depth’ have the opportunity to deepen their understanding through questioning and open ended investigations. 

The school currently subscribes to Times Tables Rock Stars to help children develop their multiplication and division knowledge. Children, and staff, are able to compete against one another for times table rock hero status whilst revising their times table knowledge.  Pupils are expected to complete 10 - 15 minutes to Times Tables Rock Stars 4 -5 times a week. In the mornings, Key Stage 2 pupils are giving '33 Weeks of 3' which is three questions for them to practise which revises key arithmetic skills.
