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Wickham Market Primary School

Opportunity and enrichment for pupils and staff


Geography Intent 


  • Deliver a high-quality Geography curriculum, which inspires children’s curiosity and fascination about the world and its people.
  • Equip children with geographical knowledge and skills that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.
  • In order to retain new skills, children frequently engage in practical activities in and beyond the classroom
  • Children will investigate a range of places (both in the UK and the wider world) to develop their knowledge of the Earth’s human and physical processes. 
  • We also intend for children to become confident using key geographical skills across a range of contexts. 
  • Children will have the opportunity to collect and analyse data, interpret sources of geographical information (maps, globes, digital mapping etc) and to communicate geographical knowledge in a variety of ways. 
  • Our aim is to ignite a passion for learning about the world they live in, both locally and worldwide and to understand the impact that humans have on the world. 


To ensure high standards of teaching and learning in Geography, we implement a curriculum offer that is progressive throughout the whole school. Progression in skills and knowledge are clearly outlined in our Geography progression grid from Chris Quigley essentials, which maintains strong links to the National curriculum. Teachers are encouraged to consider opportunities available to use the school grounds and the local area for fieldwork. We are passionate about developing knowledge, understanding and skills through children being outside and enjoying the Geography around them. Educational visits are also encouraged to enable children to gain real-life experiences and apply skills practically. Where appropriate, we make cross-curricular links so that learning is repeated in several contexts and children are given opportunities to recall knowledge and skills, strengthening their long-term memory. In order to plan for repetition and building of prior knowledge, teachers are expected to know what has been taught previously as well as having a secure understanding of what needs to be taught. Subject coordinators are allocate time to quality assure their subject alongside SLT and gather information through a triangulation of pupil perceptions, book looks, lesson observations and teacher conversations. Formal, summative assessment in Geography takes place at the end of each year stating whether children are working towards age-related expectations, are working at age-related expectations or are working at greater depth. Formative assessment takes place continually throughout the year: assessment for learning is used to ensure lessons are pitched appropriately and to inform future planning.




Our Geography curriculum is high quality and planned to demonstrate clear progression. Children will develop the geographical knowledge and skills to enable them to explore, navigate and understand the world around them. Engaging lessons will shape inquisitive learners who aspire to research and explore new learning further. This will be evident through pupil voice, where children will confidently be able to talk about the skills and knowledge they have acquired and work will display the range of topics covered and clear cross-curricular links. Not only will children be equipped with the knowledge, skills and understanding set out in the Primary National Curriculum, they will be prepared to become competent geographers in secondary education and as an adult living in the wider world.



Whole School Geography Plan


Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term


In early years we lay the foundation for the geography curriculum through the ‘Understanding the World’ curriculum. We explore our school environment during Forest School, for example, our local area and further afield during trips, such as visits to the local library and school trips to the farm.

We work cross curricularly linking to our ‘Write Stuff’ units such as ‘Penguins’, ‘The Snail and the Whale’ and ‘All aboard the London Bus’.

Year 1

My Class, My School, My Road - Comparing Wickham Market to Ipswich

The Four Countries of the Uk and key characteristics

Coasts - Human and Physical Geography (tourism and weather)

Year 2

Comparing Wickham Market and Ipswich to London

Comparing Wickham Market and Ipswich to Beijing


Continents and Oceans of the World

Vegetation Belts

Year 3

Volcanoes, Mountains and Earthquakes

Countries, cities and their characteristics

Comparing Suffolk to a region in North America

Year 4

The Water Cycle

Land Use Patterns

Comparing Suffolk to a region in Europe (Italy)

Year 5

Countries and Cities of Europe



Year 6

Comparing Suffolk with Derbyshire

Oceans, rivers and seas

Comparing Suffolk to Greece
