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Wickham Market Primary School

Opportunity and enrichment for pupils and staff

Pupil Premium

Wickham Market Primary School receives a Pupil Premium Grant for each child who is entitled to receive Free School Meals or who has been entitled to them over the last six years, children of armed forces personnel and for any 'Looked After Children', or child adopted from care. We publish online information about how we have used the premium funding.


Schools are encouraged to use this funding in order to deliver improved outcomes. We aim for every single one of our pupil premium funded children to reach at least national expectations in all areas and to make good progress from their starting points.


The benefits enjoyed by children in receipt of Pupil Premium Funding at Wickham Market Primary may include:

  • Targeted intervention where necessary and extra support in lessons
  • Pastoral care including regular information, advice and guidance
  • Enriching experiences such as workshops and theatre performances
  • Extra tuition outside the normal school day
  • Subsidised educational trips and visits
  • Musical instrument lessons
  • Extra Swimming provision
  • Access to school funded after-school club
  • Prioritised academic mentoring 


Our spending plans have been carefully designed to: stimulate engagement, broaden horizons, develop skills, improve performance, facilitate participation, raise aspirations and maximise achievement in order to close the attainment gap between our Pupil Premium students and their peers. We keep our offer under continuous review and expect to add further benefits during the course of the current Academic Year.


Pupil Premium

All members of staff, local advisory board and trustees are committed to meeting the pastoral, social and academic needs of vulnerable groups of children within the school environment. The trust aims to enable vulnerable pupils to achieve as well as their peer group and the pupil premium forms a vital part of that process.  The governors reserve the right to allocate the pupil premium funding to support any pupils or groups of pupils the school has legitimately identified as being socially disadvantaged.  Provision will be made determined by the needs of the children .


Reporting Pupil Premium

The government have published a set format in which all schools must complete and publish on their website by 31st December.


This information aims to detail how Pupil Premium has been used within school. This will detail the attainment and progress of pupils who are covered by the premium and the interventions and curriculum changes that have been supported by the additional funding. It will also report on the progress on the achievement of vulnerable learners and this will be supported by reported data and academic progress. Regular reports will be presented on the progress of pupils supported by Pupil Premium to the LGBs of each academy school.


The Pupil Premium Strategy is reviewed annually
